I am constantly at odds with a virus that hijacks my browsers. It goes by the name "Yoursites123".
A few months back I had cleaned it out of Chrome and it worked just fine - until last week. Now the browser keeps hanging, forcing me to re-boot and employ that peculiar Chrome-special shortcut
For a change, I switched back to Explorer and found that the earlier clean-up exercise had no impact on browsers other than Chrome. So when I got down, once again, to the step-by-step process for removing Yoursites123, a bigger problem surfaced - there were other bugs lurking in the dark corners.
Like the soot-balls in a Miyazaki movie, these turned up when I cast the following spell on the command-line: down.baidu2016.com 123.sogou.com www.czzsyzgm.com
What are these bugs doings in my machine? How do I get rid of them?
So far, all the online help available points you to some fancy sofware, which may again contain other new viruses. How do I figure the difference between online frauds and the do-gooders?
* Command Line reference - https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb490890.aspx
* Removing Sougou - http://easyviruskilling.com/how-can-i-remove-123-sogou-com-virus-123-sogou-com-removal-guide/
* Removing down.baidu2016.com -- http://greatis.com/blog/how-to-remove-malware/remove-down-baidu2016-com.htm
* http://www.fixingvirus.com/remove-www-czzsyzgm-comwww-czzsyzxl-com-threat-and-protect-your-os/
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