Saturday, February 05, 2022


 This is an interesting talk - Focus: the Hidden Driver of Excellence | Daniel Goleman.

Speaking to an audience at a Google office, the Prof. Goleman is essentially about our need to get more control over our own ability to focus out attention.

While much has been said academics and practitioners alike about the importance of Emotional Intelligence, and about the role of specific parts of the human brain - especially the Amygdala - that are hard-wired to cut out the clutter and focus on factors that are important for our survival, he makes one interesting point: It is possible train ourselves to ramp up cognitive control. 

Ideally, this training should start at an early age.  Goleman illustrates this point by describing the famous "marshmallow experiment" at Stanford on four-year-olds, and the research on how a school in a hardscrabble neighbourhood, transformed the outlook of children by helping them practice deep breathing through innovative games.

A video well worth an hour of your time. 



* Book - Focus: the Hidden Driver of Excellence | Daniel Goleman -

* Floor Effect -

* Daniel Goleman -

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