Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Which is Your Favourite Alphabet?

An interesting interview with the typeface designer, Erik Spiekermann... About his getting a kick out of being the `unknown author`... and the joy of making railway timetables easier to read.
That is what makes a nations culture - the visual surroundings: good architecture, good food and good timetables, or good announcements at stations. I think it is a very important cultural contribution...You can make the most amazing design but most people will never notice it, and that, in fact, is the important point - nobody is supposed to know it has changed - it just `got better`.

Bonus: Spewing venom on Microsoft. `Just to avoid paying Linotype license fees for using the Helvetica font, they contracted Monotype-UK to redesign it...`. Considering the time and money Microsoft spends to protect their own copyrights, it is disconcerting to know how they go about appropriating  copyrights of others.


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