Thursday, June 10, 2010

Weed Troopers

At the University of Tsukuba, most of support services are contracted to specialized firms - security, maintenance of scientific & office equipment, elevators, plumbing, laundry, vending machines, eateries, etc., Nothing unusual or extraordinary...

But there is one set of unique specialists who make their appearance once or twice a year -- the "Weed Troopers. Dressed in overalls, helmets and bandannas these guys wield special equipment, not only for moving the tall grass and weeds but also blowers and  rakes for cleaning up.

How much do they get paid? What do they do for the rest of the year?...I'm yet to find somebody who can give me the answers.

Nasty looking blades...

Blowers and hand-held trimmers
Moving equipment of assorted sizes...

Work in progress...

Done in 30mts.

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